From the Book of Common Praise (BCP), The Cantus Christi Hymnal (CC), and other sources
Calls to Worship
Psalms and Psalm-based Hymns:
Consecration / Scripture-Reading Hymns
Hymns of Faith and Praise
Hymns of Petition & Penitence
Communion Hymns
Commitment, Commissioning & Closing Praise Hymns
Lent / Life of Christ
Palm Sunday
Christ's Resurrection
Pentecost / Whitsunday
Trinity Sunday
All Saints
National Hymn
Morning Prayer Liturgy
Gloria Patri (Mieneke tune) - Music / Audio
Venite (Goodson tune) - Music & Audio Link
Te Deum laudamus (Monk & Croft tunes) - Music & Audio Link
Te Deum arrangement - Book of Common Praise Hymn 326; tune: Grosser Gott
Benedictus (Monk tune) - Music & Audio Link
Jubilate Deo - Audio Link
Holy Communion Liturgy
Responses to the Decalogue - Music / Audio
Agnus Dei (Merbeke tune) - Music / Audio
Kyrie (3-fold) - Audio (BCP ____ & CC 703)
Doxology (Old Hundredth, Long Meter) - Music / Audio
Sanctus - Music / Audio
The Lord's Prayer (Plainsong) - Audio
Gloria in excelsis (Scottish Chant tune) - BCP 796 - Music & Audio Link
CC 304 - All Glory Be to God on High
Evening Prayer Liturgy
Gloria Patri (Mieneke tune) - Music / Audio
Gloria in excelsis (Scottish Chant tune) - Music & Audio Link
Song of Simeon (Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace) - Cantus 2020, Hymn 732
Morning Hymns
Evening Hymns
Calls to Worship
- BCP 337 - Praise to the living God
- BCP 348 - All People that on Earth Do Dwell (Ps 100)
- BCP 349 - Praise To The Lord The Almighty (also Cantus Christi 301)
- BCP 351 - From All That Dwell below the Skies (also CC 349)
- BCP 372 - All creatures of our God and king (also CC 344)
- BCP 428 - At the Name of Jesus (also CC 540, longer version)
- BCP 518 - Come All Christians Be Committed
- CC 290 - Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah (Ps 146) (Ripley)
- CC 302 - Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
- CC 327 - Glory Be to God the Father
- CC 329 - O Worship the King All Glorious Above
- CC 334 - Come, Christians, Join to Sing
- CC 537 - Rejoice the Lord is King
Psalms and Psalm-based Hymns:
- Psalm 1 - Cantus Christi - Blest Is The Man Who Does Not Walk In Ways of the Ungodly Man (song of faith)
- Psalm 2 - Cantus Christi - Why Do the Heathen Nations Vainly Rage (song of song faith)
- Psalm 12 - Chant - Theopolis - Help, Yahweh, for the godly person is no more
- Psalm 13 - Cantus Christi - How Long, O Lord, Will You Forget? (Tune: How Long O Lord) / (Lament & Praise)
- Psalm 15 - Cantus Christi - Lord, Who Shall Dwell within Your House (Tune: Wer Wird, Herr) / (Song of Faith)
- Psalm 19 - Book of Common Praise, 379 - The Spacious Firmament (Tune: Creation LMD) / (Song of Praise)
- Psalm 20 - Cantus Christi - The Lord Hear Thee in Troubled Times (Song of faith, blessing and encouragement)
- Psalm 21 - Cantus Christi - O Lord, Our King Rejoices (Song of faith and praise)
- Psalm 22 - Cantus Christi - Be Not Far Off for Grief is Near (Song of lament and petition)
- Psalm 23 - Cantus Christi & Book of Common Praise, Hymn 459
- Psalm 24 - Cantus Christi - The Lord is King of Earth's Domain - (Music Link) (Song of Faith & Praise)
- Psalm 25 - Cantus Christi - Unto Thee, O Lord, My Savior (Song of faith and petition)
- Psalm 27 - Cantus Christi - My Savior God is all My Light
- Psalm 29 - Cantus Christi - O You Mighty Give the Lord
- Psalm 33 - Cantus Christi - Rejoice Ye In The Lord O Righteous
- Psalm 34 - Cantus Christi - In Every Time I'll Always Bless The Lord
- Psalm 36 - Cantus Christi - He Who In Evil Doest Rejoice
- Psalm 40 - Cantus Christi - I Waited For The Lord
- Psalm 42 - Cantus Christi - As the Hart about to Falter
- Psalm 42 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 345 (Martyrdom Avon CM)
- Psalm 46 - Chant - Theopolis version - God is Our Refuge and Strength
- Psalm 46 - Cantus Christi - God is Our Refuge and Our Strength
- Psalm 47 - Cantus Christi - All Peoples Clap Your Hands for Joy
- Psalm 56 - Cantus Christi - Be Gracious Unto Me O God
- Psalm 62 - Cantus Christi - In God Alone My Soul Finds Rest
- Psalm 63 - Cantus Christi - O Lord My God Most Earnestly I Seek Your Holy Face
- Psalm 66 - Cantus Christi - Let All The Earth With Loud Rejoicing
- Psalm 67 - Cantus Christi - May God Be Merciful and Bless Us
- Psalm 72 - Cantus Christi & Book of Common Praise, Hymn 623 - Jesus Shall Reign
- Psalm 72 - Book of Common Praise, Hymn 389 - Hail to the Lord's Anointed
- Psalm 76 - Cantus Christi - God The Lord is Known in Judah
- Psalm 80 - Cantus Christi - O Israel's Shepherd Hear Our Pleading
- Psalm 84 - Cantus Christi - How Lovely Lord of Host to Me
- Psalm 84 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 510
- Psalm 90 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 346 - O God, our help in ages past (also CC 403)
- Psalm 92 - Cantus Christi - It's Good to Thank the Lord
- Psalm 94 - Cantus Christi - God of Vengence, O Jehovah
- Psalm 98 (Desert tune) - Cantus Christi - O Sing a New Song to the Lord
- Psalm 98 (Chantez tune) - Cantus Christi - Sing to the Lord a New Song Voicing
- Psalm 100 - Cantus Christi & Book of Common Praise Hymn 328 - All People That on Earth Do Dwell
- Psalm 100 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 347 - Before the Lord Jehovah's Throne
- Psalm 103 - Cantus Christi - My Soul Now Bless My Maker
- Psalm 103 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 350 - Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
- Psalm 103 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 349 - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
- Psalm 104 - Cantus Christi and Book of Common Praise Hymn 377 - O Worship the King
- Psalm 111 - Cantus Christi - Praised Be The Lord I Shall Impart
- Psalm 112 - Gregg Strawbridge arrangement. - Music , Audio - Hallelujah Praise Jehovah
- Psalm 113 - Gregg Strawbridge arrangement - Music , Audio - Hallelujah Extol The Lord
- Psalm 117 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 351 - From all that dwell below the skies
- Psalm 118 - Cantus Christi - O Come with Thanks God's Goodness Praising
- Psalm 119 - Cantus Christi - Before Thee Let My Cry Come Near
- Psalm 122 - Cantus Christi - O Twas a Joyful Sound to Hear
- Psalm 124 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 352 - Let Israel now say in thankfulness (Old 124th)
- Psalm 128 - Cantus Christi - Blessed the Man that Fears Jehovah
- Psalm 136 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 380 - Let us with a gladsome mind
- Psalm 145 - Cantus Christi - The Eyes of all upon thee wait
- Psalm 145 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 356 - God my King thy might confessing (Stuttgart)
- Psalm 146 - Cantus Christi 2020, 290 - Hallejujah, Praise Jehovah (Ripley)
- Psalm 148 - Cantus Christi - From Heaven O Praise the Lord
- Psalm 148 & 150 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 357 - O Praise Ye the Lord, give praise in the height
- Psalm 149 - Book of Common Praise Hymn 358 - O Praise Ye the Lord, and sing a new song
- Psalm 150 - Cantus Christi & Book of Common Praise Hymn 349 - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
Consecration / Scripture-Reading Hymns
- BCP 102 - Lord Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word (also CC 386)
- BCP 446 - How Firm a Foundation (also CC 392)
- BCP 558 - If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee (also CC 432)
- CC 374 - Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
- CC 378 - Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
- CC 387 - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- CC 388 - May the Mind of Christ My Savior
- CC 397 - Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- CC 414 - Come, Thou Fount
- BCP 428 - At the Name of Jesus (also CC 540, longer version)
Hymns of Faith and Praise
- BCP 149 - Crown Him With Many Crowns (also CC 531)
- BCP 156 - All hail the power of Jesus name (also CC 335)
- BCP 321 - Holy, Holy, Holy (also CC 317)
- BCP 375 - Joyful, Joyful we adore thee
- BCP 423 - O for a thousand tongues to sing
- BCP 428 - At the Name of Jesus (also CC 540)
- BCP 568 - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (also CC 408)
- BCP 623 - Jesus shall reign wherever the sun
- CC 337 - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
- CC 346 - This Is My Father's World
- CC 347 - I Sing the Mighty Power of God
- CC 348 - Fairest Lord Jesus
- CC 352 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
- CC 409 - The God of Abraham Praise
- CC 411 - My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
- CC 412 - Oh, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
- CC 428 - How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
- CC 433 - I Will Sing My Maker's Praises
- CC 434 - Blessed Assurance
- CC 447 - And Can It Be That I Should Gain
- CC 453 - What Wondrous Love Is This
- CC 461 - Amazing Grace
- CC 467 - Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
Hymns of Petition & Penitence
- BCP 611 - O God of Earth and Altar (also CC 364)
- CC 331 - Come, Thou Almighty King
- CC 373 - Be Thou My Vision
Communion Hymns
- BCP 140 - At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing (also CC 482)
- BCP 263 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (also CC ___)
- BCP 268 - O Bread of Life from Heaven (also CC 478)
- BCP 269 - Author of Life Divine (also CC 498)
- BCP 275 - Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured (also CC ____)
- BCP 279 - Father We Thank Thee Who Has Planted (CC 495)
- BCP 290 - And Now O Father Mindful of the Love (CC ___)
- BCP 504 - Only begotten, Word of God eternal (also CC 491)
- CC 475 - Behold the Glories of the Lamb (also CC ___)
- CC 479 - Soul, Adorn Thyself with Gladness
- CC 484 - Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
- CC 488 - My Song Is Love Unknown
- CC 494 - Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior
- CC 499 - How Sweet and Awful is the Place
Commitment, Commissioning & Closing Praise Hymns
- BCP 173 - The Son of God Goes Forth To War (also CC 666)
- BCP 304 - O Love The Wilt Not Let Me Go
- BCP 311 - Rise Up, O Men of God (also CC 515)
- BCP 497 - I Love Thy Kingdom Lord
- BCP 520 - Take my life and let it be
- BCP 562 - Be Still, My Soul (also CC 394)
- BCP 563 - When peace like a river
- BCP 572 - God of grace and God of glory
- BCP 580 - Lead on O King eternal
- CC 513 - Ah, Jesus Lord, Thy Love to Me
- CC 518 - I Bind unto Myself Today
- CC 521 - Lead On, O King Eternal
- CC 529 - See, The Conqueror Mounts in Triumph
- CC 544 - Lift High the Cross
- BCP 7 - O Come, O Come Emmanuel
- BCP 10 - Savior of the Nations Come
- BCP 15 - Lift up your heads ye mighty gates
- BCP 17 - On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry
- BCP 20 - Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
- CC 550 - Lift Up Your Heads
- CC 551 - Lift Up Your Heads
- CC 554 - How Lovely Shines the Morning Star
- CC 555 - Savior of the Nations, Come
- CC 558 - Comfort, Comfort Ye My People
- CC 561 - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
- CC 564 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- BCP 27 - Angels We Have Heard on High (also CC 573)
- BCP 28 - O Come all ye faithful (and CC 567)
- BCP 30 - Joy To The World (also CC 566)
- BCP 34 - In the Bleak Mid Winter
- BCP 35 - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (also CC 579)
- BCP 36 - What Child Is This (also 580)
- BCP 37 - Good Christian Men Rejoice (also CC 591)
- BCP 38 - Once In Royal David's City (CC 608)
- BCP 43 - All Praise To Thee Eternal Lord
- BCP 47 - Go Tell it on the Mountain
- BCP 60 - Silent Night
- BCP 62 - O Little Town of Bethlehem
- BCP 64 - Away in a Manger
- BCP 66 - It Came Upon The Midnight Clear (also CC 593)
- BCP 70 - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (also CC 572)
- BCP 75 - Angels from the Realms of Glory (also CC 574)
- BCP 82 - The First Noel (also CC 577)
- BCP 83 - We Three Kings
- BCP 84 - As With Gladness Men of Old (also CC 600)
- CC 587 - Of the Father's Love Begotten
- CC 603 - Arise and Shine in Splendor
Lent / Life of Christ
- BCP 98 - Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days
- CC 610 - Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days
- BCP 100 Lyrics - Christian Doest Thou See Them (Sing to alternate tune 428/Kings Weston)
Palm Sunday
- BCP 107 - All Glory, Laud, and Honor (also CC 614)
- BCP 108 - Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted (also CC 620)
- BCP 109 - Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
- BCP 112 - O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (also CC 619)
- BCP 121 - Ah, Holy Jesus
- CC 622 - Man of Sorrows! What a Name
- CC 624 - Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured
- CC 626 - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Christ's Resurrection
- BCP 124 - Jesus Christ Is Ris'n Today
- BCP 125 - Christ The Lord Is Ris'n Today (also CC 631)
- BCP 127 - Alleluia, Alleluia
- BCP 135 - Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands (also CC 629)
- BCP 144 - He Is Risen, He Is Risen
- CC 635 - Now Let the Vault of Heaven Resound
- BCP 149 - Crown Him With Many Crowns (also CC 531)
- BCP 151 - See The Conqu'ror Mounts in Triumph
- BCP 156 - All hail the power of Jesus name
- CC 646 - Christ Is Risen, Christ Ascended
Pentecost / Whitsunday
- BCP 166 - Come Holy Spirit Heav'nly Dove
- CC 662 - Come Down, O Love Divine
Trinity Sunday
- BCP 167 - We All Believe In One True God
All Saints
- BCP 173 - The Son of God Goes Forth To War (also CC 666)
- BCP 186 - For All the Saints (also CC 671)
- CC 663 - The Church's One Foundation
- CC 190 Lyrics - Our Father By Whose Servants (sung to alt tune 611 / King's Lynn / O God of Earth and Alter
- BCP 199 - We Gather Together to Ask the Lord's Blessing (also CC 684)
- BCP 200 - Now Thank We All Our God (also CC 681)
- BCP 203 - Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (also CC 676)
- BCP 206 - For The Beauty of the Earth
- BCP 208 - Doxology / Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
- CC 677 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
National Hymn
- CC 218 - God of our Fathers
Morning Prayer Liturgy
Gloria Patri (Mieneke tune) - Music / Audio
Venite (Goodson tune) - Music & Audio Link
Te Deum laudamus (Monk & Croft tunes) - Music & Audio Link
Te Deum arrangement - Book of Common Praise Hymn 326; tune: Grosser Gott
Benedictus (Monk tune) - Music & Audio Link
Jubilate Deo - Audio Link
Holy Communion Liturgy
Responses to the Decalogue - Music / Audio
Agnus Dei (Merbeke tune) - Music / Audio
Kyrie (3-fold) - Audio (BCP ____ & CC 703)
Doxology (Old Hundredth, Long Meter) - Music / Audio
Sanctus - Music / Audio
The Lord's Prayer (Plainsong) - Audio
Gloria in excelsis (Scottish Chant tune) - BCP 796 - Music & Audio Link
CC 304 - All Glory Be to God on High
Evening Prayer Liturgy
Gloria Patri (Mieneke tune) - Music / Audio
Gloria in excelsis (Scottish Chant tune) - Music & Audio Link
Song of Simeon (Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace) - Cantus 2020, Hymn 732
Morning Hymns
- CC 233 - Father We Praise Thee Now The Night Is Over
Evening Hymns
- BCP 235 - All Praise to Thee, My God this Night (also CC 702)
- BCP 236 - God, That Madest Earth and Heaven (also CC 696)
- BCP 248 - O Gladsome Light O Grace
- BCP 250 - Now The Day is Over
- CC 695 - The Day Is past and Gone