Join us for Holy Communion Service this Sunday at 5pm in Covington. After service we will have a time for refreshments, conversation and catechism. Below is our Liturgy as well as our Catechism Review prepared for the day. Catechism Review:
To Be A Christian Catechism. The Apostles' Creed, Article III "I Believe in the Holy Spirit" 84. Who is the Holy Spirit? God the Holy Spirit is the third Person in the one Being of the Holy Trinity, coequal and coeternal with God the Father and God the Son, and equally worthy of our honor and worship. (Genesis 1:2; Psalm 104:30; Matthew 3:16–17; 28:19; John 15:26; 2 Corin thi ans 13:14) 85. What principal names does the New Testament give to the Holy Spirit? Jesus names the Holy Spirit “Paraclete” (“the one alongside”), which signifies Comforter, Guide, Counselor, Advocate, and Helper. Other descriptions for the Holy Spirit are “Spirit of God,” “Spirit of your Father,” “Spirit of Christ,” and “Spirit of truth.” (Matthew 10:20; John 14:16–17, 26; Acts 16:7; Romans 8:9) 86. What are the particular ministries of the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit imparts life to every living thing in creation, reveals God’s Word to his people, and calls sinners to a new life of faith in the saving and life-giving work of Jesus. The Holy Spirit unites Christians to Jesus, indwelling them, convicting them of sin, giving them spiritual gifts, and bearing spiritual fruit in their lives. (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 143:7–12; Isaiah 11:2; Joel 2:28–29; John 15:26; 16:7–11; Acts 4:5–31) 87. How does the Holy Spirit strengthen you for life in Christ? The Holy Spirit bears witness that I am a child of God, stirs my heart continually to worship and to pray, and inspires me to holiness and good works in Christ. ( Job 27:2–4; Matthew 10:19–20; John 14:12; 16:12–15; Acts 6:10; 13:2; Romans 8:15–17, 26–27) 88. How do you receive the Holy Spirit? The Scriptures teach that, by repenting and being baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, I am forgiven my sins and I receive the Holy Spirit, who gives me new birth in Christ and frees me from the power of sin. (Luke 11:11–13; John 3:1–7; Acts 2:38; 8:14–17; 19:1–6; 1 Co rin thi ans 6:9–11; 12:13; 2 Timothy 1:6–7) 89. What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit? The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the very character of Jesus developing in us through the work of the Holy Spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22–25; see also Matthew 7:15–20; 12:33–35) 90. What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Among the many gifts of the Holy Spirit named in the New Testament are faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, other languages (“tongues”), the interpretation of other languages, and words of wisdom and knowledge. The Spirit distributes gifts to individuals as he wills for the sake of the Body of Christ. Other gifts in the New Testament include administration, service, encouragement, evangelism, teaching, giving, leadership, and mercy. Jesus promises that the Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. (Luke 11:13; Romans 12:3–8; 1 Co rin thi ans 12:7–31; Ephesians 4:7–11; 1 Peter 4:10–11) 91. Why does the Holy Spirit give such gifts? The Holy Spirit equips and empowers believers with gifts for service in the worship of Jesus Christ, for the building up of his Church, and for witness and mission to the world. (Exodus 31:1–11; Luke 9:1–6; 1 Corinthians 12:12–26; Ephesians 4:12–16) A Prayer for the Holy Spirit’s Ministry Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful people and kindle in me the fire of your love. Direct and rule my heart in all things, empower me for witness and ministry, and daily increase in me your gifts and fruit, to the glory of God the Father; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Comments are closed.